Monday, April 24, 2006

Checking in.

Someone linked this Myers-Briggs site
in a thread at Two Peas today, and I had my first guffaw of the day reading this little prayer for my personality type:

"Lord, help me to be more laid back and help me to do it EXACTLY right."

Scarily accurate! I'm an ISFJ in the Myers-Briggs personality test. You can find your type on this site, without having to take the test, and see what your characteristics are, as well as find your own little funny prayer!

We took the Myers-Briggs test as part of our freshman orientation in college, and my type hasn't changed since then.

Had a very nice weekend back at Jeremy and Tracy's house...Marissa's dedication at church was on Sunday, and my parents and my syster's family also came down from Ohio for the weekend so we could all be there for her dedication. In the Mennonite church, since we don't baptize infants, we have a small ceremony during the service where the parents bring their baby up front, pledge to raise her in the faith, and then the congregation also takes a pledge to nurture the child and her family.

I like it that the congregation has a role in this dedication. I felt loved and nurtured by my church family as a child, and that was very valuable to me. In the world of today, I think a kid needs as many loving adults in her life as possible, don't you?

If I could track down where Todd secreted the pictures from this weekend, I'd post 'em. Maybe tomorrow.

I was lazy today, but I have so much to do this week, I need to find my mojo! Maybe tomorrow. LOL.