I finally got our new quilt put on the bed!
Other than that, I love it! We've slept under it for a couple of night now and it's ever so soft and warm. It's fun to sit and look at all the different patterns in the big star, too. I love quilts with lots of different little patterns in them. When I was a kid, I had a baby quilt made by the ladies' sewing circle at either my mom's church or my dad's church, not sure which one...anyway, it had a pale green border and then square patches with tons and tons of tiny squares in every pattern you can think of.
When I got to kindergarten age and had to take a blanket for naptimes, my mom embroidered my name on the side in red thread and I would lay on it at naptime and stare at all the tiny little patterns, all different from each other. I still have the quilt--it's so beat up but still pretty.