We had a very productive day yesterday. We took off for some yard sales in the morning, and I found a white wicker stand, probably a bathroom piece, to put next to the front door. It's a little smaller than what I wanted, but the price was right, and I think it looks rather cute.
So some of our yard tools and all the little bits that go on the various garden hoses can sit in baskets on the shelves and look nice--we really needed something nice-looking to hold all that stuff.
The other great find yesterday was an old retractable clothesline that Todd put up for me in the back yard. It fit perfectly between one of the deck railings and the closest pear tree, so when I have towels or jeans that take forever to dry in our little HE compact dryer, now I can take them outside and hang them up. It'll be great!
When we got home from yard saling, Todd tackled the front porch and the siding on the front of the house, which was dirty and mildewed, and I sat here giving him instructions:
This morning Todd put a coat of new navy blue paint on the shutters and garage door before I ever stirred out of bed, which made me feel guilty but relieved. I'm assuming the shutters at least, will need a second coat, so I may get drafted into painting duty yet. They look much better...nice and dark and unfaded.
Tonight I think Todd will be climbing up to wash the second story front, while I stand on the ground below praying he doesn't fall! He's very careful, but I'm the type that sees disaster around every corner.
Tomorrow we'll be taking a lovely morning trip to the beach...can't wait!