Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What I've been doing...

On Friday I spent the whole day with this mystery man:

(more about that in another post.)

Saturday at the flea market I bought this:

...and these:

On Monday, I had to give up on these:

...because they don't correct my astigmatism well enough (the reason I couldn't see all last week) and to have custom contacts made would cost a small fortune. So I ordered new glasses instead. Ah well!

We are still working on this:

...as you can see we have a new countertop and faucet (yay!) but have yet to re-mount the mirror because when we attempted it on Sunday we did this to it:

...so we had to go buy a new mirror at Lowe's and of course it's not the same size, so I had to do some more touch-up painting.

I am a little tired of looking at these:

I'm still trying to finish this:

And of course there's always this:

Currently I am ignoring this:

...in order to have a little sit-down and write this blog post. It's next on my to-do list, along with throwing together some supper (chicken-brown rice casserole.)

Hope everybody's having a good week so far.