Saturday, July 28, 2007

Study pics.

After six months, I think I can finally say my study/scraproom is pretty much done. Done enough for pictures, anyway.

Walking in the door:

Further left:

In the room now and continuing to turn left:

Now standing in front of the chair and looking at the opposite wall. Paper is in the cart, stamps and misc stuff in the stacked drawers:

And then looking back toward the doorway:

Another shot of my desk:

And my ribbon rack on the back of the door, and (most of) my scrapping stuff in the closet:

Isn't it funny how the color of the walls looks totally different depending on the light? It's called Glass Green, from Laura Ashley/Lowe's.

Looking at these, I think the only thing left to do is to replace those UGLY brown doors with white paneled doors, which we will do as soon as humanly possible. So, say...three years from now? Heh.


  1. OOOOoh, it looks lovely! Gorgeous color, and you are very organized!

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    The OCD in me loves how organized everything is! :) Did you ever get the factory smell out of the chair?

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Wow, Janelle... it looks so welcoming and so organized! I want to come over and play!

  4. The factory smell is mostly gone, thank goodness!

    (And it looks way more organized than it is, but thanks, guys!)

  5. Wow, will you redo my craft room too? Nice job! I love the wall color, and the floral chair/ottoman.

  6. Lookin' good, Sister!

    You crack me up. I'm just getting caught up on your blog. I love how you say the Morning Glory could strangle you in your sleep :)

