Thursday, July 26, 2007

All about me.

Well, how is everybody? Life has honestly been so uneventful here I feel like I have nothing to talk about!

I've begun working on losing a whole pile of weight. So far, I'm down three pounds as of my last weigh-in. The tip of the iceberg of fat, I assure you, but it's a start. So my main topics of thought lately are food: what to eat, what have I eaten, and what should I eat next. Part of what I'm trying to do here is keep my blood sugar on an even keel, which requires stopping to eat pretty regularly. But eating GOOD things rather than bad, of course. I'm avoiding empty carbs, cutting way back on sugar, and looking for lots of protein and veggies and whole grains and nuts. And drinking a veritable ocean of water. And working on finding a good pair of walking shoes. But these are not vastly interesting topics of conversation, however much of my own time they do consume.

My neck, shoulder and arm are feeling much better, although I'm not sure it's due to the painkillers and semi-regular heat I've been applying or if it's merely due to the fact that I haven't been out and about much or using my arm strenuously. I'm doing some very gentle weight work to try to strengthen those muscles a little bit.

I read HP and the Deathly Hallows in seven hours, from 10 am to 5 pm last Saturday. I was desperate to get it done before it got spoiled for me somewhere, somehow.

I liked it! I won't spoil it as I'm sure there are still people who haven't gotten to it yet, but I was mostly satisfied with how things came out in the end. Now I need to re-read at a more sedate pace and really form an opinion, but not until Todd reads it. He's finishing HP and the Half-Blood Prince as I speak, to refresh his memory before going on to the last book.

That's absolutely all that's going on here. How are YOU? Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. Funny how it is when you're trying to lose weight that your life revolves around planning out your next meal. BTDT.

  2. I'm glad to hear about the weight loss, pain relief, and of course the good book! I enjoyed as well.

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I'm about to get back on the bandwagon of healthy living. I let it slide too much this summer and gained 7 pounds. So I have those to lose and the 5 or 6 I was working on before the summer. Glad to hear you enjoyed the book. I got the book on tape for my daughter so she can listen while doing other things.

    Take care,


  4. Oh, I need to get on this bandwagon too. I could eat sugar/carbs all day. But I feel so much better when I'm good.

    I have serious foot problems, and so I have to recommend Brooks walking shoes to you if you are still looking. I wear them from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. They aren't gorgeous but my feet love them.

  5. The first half of this year has been killer on my weight. Gained half of the weight I lost last year. Ugh! I'm finally ready to work it off again.
    I love how your office/study turned out. It's just delightful! LOVE the chair and ottoman. CO-ZEY!
