Monday, December 14, 2009

Snowmen and other stuff.

Catching up on my journal, here are the December 12 and 13 entries. The 12th is about changes from Christmases past, and the 13th is about music.

I had a couple spare minutes so I took some pictures of my holiday decor. I've set up my journal on the sideboard so I can enjoy it all the time.

Here are the bottlebrush trees behind the journal.

I ended up grouping bottlebrush trees in various places, which I've never done before and I really like the way they look. I have a snowman collection I like to put out, and this year I scattered some vintage Christmas postcards around, too. This is the wall in the foyer:

The great thing about snowmen is that you can leave them out till, say, Valentine's Day, as a generic kind of winter decor. Perfect for lazy folks like yours truly.

Snowmen especially enjoy hanging out on the bookshelves.

It makes them feel smart even though their heads are stuffed with frozen ice crystals.

I bought this big guy at AC Moore a couple months ago. He has the sweetest face! He doesn't mind hanging out with the DVDs, although he does wish there were Christmas DVDs on his shelf.

This guy hangs out under the lamp and guards a big jar candle.

And these guys are keeping some of my ancestors company on the mantle.

This was a serendipitous combination...I found the glass bowl for almost nothing at an antique store in Columbiana, after Thanksgiving, and then when I came home, I had 12 gorgeous vintage ornaments awaiting me from Barbara at Oodles and Oodles, which is just about the cutest blog out there. (If you like vintage holiday decor, you have to go check it out!) Anyway, the bowl and the ornaments came together quite nicely and now I can enjoy them on my table every day.

Thanks, Barbara!


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Janelle, that is too cute. Also, there is no dust in the pictures...can you come and clean my house??? Pretty please?? Love ya, Tracy :-)

  2. I was enjoying all of those decorations so much, and then I got to see those ornaments again, so at home! I'm glad they're living with you. They look very happy in their dish.

  3. I love all of your snowmen and bottle brush trees! Great display of your journal.

    Oh and you won the giveaway on my blog, so send me your snail mail address when you have a moment!

  4. What a great idea to put the ornaments in the bowl.

    And, is it wrong that I looked at all the book titles in addition to the snowmen?

  5. I love all the snowmen, they are my favorite thing to collect.
