Sunday, June 14, 2009

40 years together.

Today is a very special day for my mom and dad--their 40th wedding anniversary!

Although life hasn't been quite as easy as these two kids probably thought it would be--raising three children, working multiple jobs, trying to make the money stretch, and more recently dealing with cancer and their own parents' failing health--they learned to work together and support each other, and they make a great team.

They created a family and a lot of happy memories. And they are very much loved by their kids, kids-in-law, and grandkids.

Hope you guys find some time to remember and celebrate this weekend! Congrats and lots of love to you both!


  1. Happy Anniversary, Janelle's parents. You created a very interesting and entertaining daughter! Thank you!

  2. Cheryl8:55 PM

    Look how cute your parents are! Happy Anniversary Janelle's Mom and Dad!

  3. jeremy10:39 PM

    Happy anniversary, Mom & Dad! I'm glad you two crazy kids hooked up!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Many Years!
    What a lovely photo.

  5. Christian's parents were married one day before yours 40 years ago. How cool! Happy Anniversary.

  6. Well that is the cutest picture EVER. I just love your mom's hair...why we ever ditched such fabulous hairdos I'll never know.

    A very happy belated anniversary to your folks! Forty years is a wonderful accomplishment.
