Sunday, May 31, 2009

A winner!

The Random Number Generator picked Ashley as the winner of the Cottage Charm Giveaway!

So congrats, Ashley, and I'll get your package mailed out this week. And thanks to everyone who entered--there were a ton of you and I hope some of you will come back and visit from time to time. Hope everyone found some new blogs to read, too--I know I did.


  1. Oops! I think there has been a mistake...I'm Karla and "It's The Little Things..." is my blog. Not sure how Ashley's name got linked with mine, but hopefully you know how to find her so that she can claim her prize! :)

    Sorry for the confusion!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  2. Whoops! I read Ashley's profile wrong--let me correct that!

  3. That'll teach me to try and work the Internets on no sleep! LOL!

    (I like your blog, Karla!)

  4. LOL! No problem! :)



  5. Yay for Ashley!

    You left a comment on my giveaway post...that you had never seen a Fire King dish that had a lid with a knob like the yard sale one I picked up has. Well, guess what? When I used it this weekend I noticed there'a a Pyrex mark on the lid! But the lid fits on the Fire King bottom snug, and now I have a covered glass dish with that fabulous little knob. It's like I got a two-for-one deal. :-)

    I still need to pick my winner. Eek! I'm so behind on this blog thing...You'd think my job would understand that I've got important blogging to do! :-)

    xo - Laura
