Friday, February 13, 2009


Since by all accounts the Australian Red Cross is overwhelmed with donation offers, why not check out what some of the Etsy sellers are doing to raise money for the Australian wildfire victims? The money still goes to the ARC, but in one lump sum, and you can buy something really pretty and unique for yourself as well. They've raised $5,000 AUD as of this morning!

Here's the link: OzBushfireAppeal at Etsy. I had my eye on a very pretty necklace, but it was snapped up before I could get it. They keep adding new things, too.

I hope they can get these fires under control, I can't believe how many people have died and how many homes and towns have been lost. It's an awful thing to happen to such a nice country.


  1. I'm going to head over and check it out, thank you.

    And, I'm going to make a political comment, forgive me. I think that the most important thing we can do to help Australia is to adequately address Global Warming.

  2. Hear, hear, Mimi!
