Friday, February 27, 2009


We're having a lovely, warm (70 degrees-ish) day here today, with spring in the air. The daffodil and narcissus bulbs I planted in November are sending up little shoots, and violas are popping up here and there.

And I found a lovely lily-of-the-valley plant at Trader Joe's today! Three little plants in a jadite-type of container. It's real glass.

They smell fantastic. I put them on my desk so I can pick them up and smell them whenever I want. What is it about those early spring flowers that makes them so cute? There's nothing cuter than a lily-of-the-valley bell, unless maybe it's the sweet little face of a viola.

Love 'em.

Alas, the clouds are moving in, the rain is coming, and the forecasters' dartboards are calling for snow this weekend. I'm not too bugged about it, because I love the cold weather and wish it would last longer, but most everyone else is bumming.
But it will be 95 degrees and humid all too soon--I'm going to enjoy winter for as long as it wants to stick around!

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful! It will be awhile before we have flowers here - we just got 8 inches of snow and -27 temps. Enjoy that warm weather for me. :)
