Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thank you, thank you for the sweet comments below. When I started writing that last post, I certainly wasn't thinking it would turn into what the girls at Two Peas call a PVM (please validate me) post, but it kind of did! So thanks for the validation. Sometimes you just need a pat on the back, I guess.

We are having a big pile of lousy weather here--no snow, but lots of rain and wind, both of which are currently slamming against my study windows. It was about 60 degrees this morning, so I opened some of the downstairs windows to let the fresh air blow around a little. But the window screens smell funky, so the air that blew through them ended up smelling funky, too. Is there some homemaker rule about regularly scrubbing down window screens that I missed out on, along with all the other homemaker rules I missed out on? Is this a job for Febreze?

I saw on somebody's blog the other day where she wrapped a store-bought candle with fancy paper, so I grabbed a scrap of paper and an old sticker that were on top of a pile of supplies sitting on the floor, and covered a Glade candle.

You could really get fancy with such a project, but I was in a slap-it-on mood. It's a strawberries-and-cream scent, and it smells so good. On a gloomy day like today, you want a nice summery scent, something that reminds you of sunshine. But now I want some strawberry ice cream.

I'm feeling very scratchy and impatient with myself today. I don't seem to be able to get into the zone on anything I've attempted, all day long. Everything I touch seems to break or stop working. Urgh.

Hope the sun comes out tomorrow, that would be quite nice!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Blopping.... someone once told me that's the word for blog hopping. :) I should have posted this in response to your post about blogs but I never know if people go back and read comments on old posts after they post a new post.

    I wish I could get back into the swing of blogging again. Several people have emailed me asking why I don't blog like I used to.

    Part of it was that I got tired of it... and the second was that I started to feel exposed with all of my navel gazing and worried about the "what ifs" of what I write now coming back to haunt me some day.

    This weather sucks. But, it could be worse. We could be buried under ice and snow in Ohio, with no power.
