Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My favorite raincheck.

About ten years ago, this commercial was playing on TV a lot, probably around Christmastime.

And it never fails to make me laugh out loud every single time, even a lousy copy like this. I actually have a copy of it on one of my old videotapes of MST3K--I usually edited out the commercials when I taped them, but I HAD to leave that commercial in! That kid is adorable.

I thought of it tonight when we went off to Michael's to see if Santa could get me a Cuttlebug for Christmas at 50% off, but had to settle for a raincheck. Santa said he would wrap it up in a fancy envelope for me. Chuh. Maybe I should frolic about with it and snuggle it close like the kid in the commercial!


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I see that you were tempted by my embossing folders and now need a Cuttlebug of your very own! Sorry about the rain check...that's not very matter what the kid in the commercial says. LOL!

  2. Oh my GAH.

    That made me laugh out loud!!!! I've never seen that commercial, but it's my new fave, Janelle!

