Thursday, December 04, 2008

Day 4.

For each day's prompt in this "Journal Your Christmas" class, Shimelle creates a PDF file with pictures and lots of ideas. She's using various pages from people who've taken her class in previous years, and I was startled to find today that she used my December 4 page from last year as one of her idea samples! Made me smile!

Here's today's page. I used to have big ideas about what a perfect Christmas consisted of, and now I know that all I need to make it perfect is TIME. Which is always at a premium when we're home visiting.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I agree with time being at the top of the list for a perfect Christmas...especially when staring down a list of handmade gifts yet to finish! Thanks for stopping by to visit :)

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Very pretty! Love the picture, just SO Christmas!

  3. love the idea of family family family

  4. Lovely! You have, at once, great and simple vision of an ideal Christmas.
