Thursday, October 02, 2008

Random treats and thoughts.

I got a delightful envelope in the mail today--Mimi's ATC swap! Seven little rectangles of art--the theme was "a favorite quote."

Mine is the one with the tea cup--the others were made by Stephanie and Molly (top row), and Kristina, Mimi, Nancy, and Sue (bottom row.)

Thanks for hosting this, Mimi! Such a nice treat, getting art in the mail!

My neighbor across the ravine in back is mowing his grass and wafting the smell in through the back windows. My favorite smell in the whole world.

I'm trying to decide whether to watch the debate tonight, since they've pre-empted "The Office" for it, so I won't be watching THAT. (Grrrrr.....) I don't like Palin, but I'm not a fan of Biden, either, so it should be fun to watch 'em go at it. Or excruciatingly uncomfortable. Whichever...

On a sad note, we found out today that Todd's former manager at his job in Ohio is in the hospital, in the final stages of liver and kidney failure, and will be going into hospice very soon. His name is Rick, and if you have a prayer or a good thought to spare, please send one up for him and his family. He's a lovely man, and he has a wife and two daughters.

That's all for now...I have pictures and a couple more scrapbook pages to share, sometime later.

1 comment:

  1. I thought they turned out so neat! Aren't they gorgeous? And I'm glad they arrived.

    Yum, I can smell the grass, that is such a lovely smell (and I don't mean *that* type of grass)

    And, prayers for Rick.
