Thursday, September 25, 2008


I've gotten back in the mood for scrapbooking, which I haven't done in a long time. This recent trip home was all about memories, and it confirmed for me that saving these bits and pieces of time really is worth the effort. It was starting to feel like it might
not be worth the effort, but I guess it is.

My sister-in-law and her family, plus Todd, coming back from a little kayak trip on the lake in July:

A general Fourth of July spread showing a bit of what we did that day:

And Todd's fam on the pontoon boat:

Nothing fancy...but I'm not sure I'm capable of fancy scrapping any more! Not enough room and I hate hauling out tons of stuff.

We're having an awesome blustery day here, but I'm feeling grumpy because I overslept this morning and haven't caught up with myself yet today. Since the sun never came up, it didn't wake me up! So, back to getting caught up...

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your blustery day, I like the way you are spending it.

    Great pages, good job! And, hey, is that the new Scenic Route line? I LOVE that!
