Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Holiday pics.

Here are a few of the things we did on our Ohio holiday...

...went out on my father-in-law's pontoon boat with our nephew and nieces, and each one got to "drive" the boat, with some steering directions from Pop-pop.

...took our niece and nephew from my side of the family down to the lake one day for some fishing off the pontoon boat:

(Kylie caught seven fish, Tanner ten--which happens to be their ages as well, so we had a chuckle over that. They caught bluegill and perch, and Tanner caught a bass, too.)

...took the kids from Todd's side of the family out for a little blueberry picking:

(Five adults and four kids managed to pick about ten pounds of blueberries in 15 minutes or so. The kids had blueberry pancakes for breakfast the next day, and I made blueberry muffins. We also had blueberries over ice cream for dessert a few nights.)

That's enough for one post. As you can tell, we spent a lot of time outside in the cool weather!


  1. Yum! Look at those blueberries! Be still my heart!

    And, love the boat pics.

    Cool summers are my favorite types of summers.

  2. Hee! I thought you'd appreciate the blueberry pics, Mimi!

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Looks like you had a great time up north...sorry we couldn't be there!
