Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fifty lashes with a wet noodle.

Oh my, the flack I've been getting for letting this blog slide! Should I be flattered or should I tell my naggers to get a life? LOL.

I am the one who needs to get a life, actually. My thoughts have just dried up and my life is so dull. SO dull. I've also been wanting to make some visual changes to this blog and I can't find someone who can help me out with that. So I've been putting off posting until I can get the blog the way I want it--perfectionist? Moi???

Anyway, I have a few pictures, I have a giveaway planned, I have some other stuff lurking hopefully, and I have a new digital camera to take lots of eye candy shots, thanks to my sweet DH, so I shall return. Really. I swear!


  1. Yay! I've been missing reading your blog! Amy

  2. I've missed reading your blog, but I certainly hope I've not contributed to the flack.

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

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  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    YAY! I can stalk you via teh intrawebs once again! LOL!!! I'm glad that you feel like blogging again.

  5. Welcome back, my friend! I should have nagged you more...I missed you. :) What kind of camera??
