Sunday, December 16, 2007

Well, we are getting packed and ready to go on our fortnight of crazy traveling! Tomorrow morning we're headed up to Aberdeen, MD (4-5 hours) for Todd to do some work this week. Then we'll leave there Friday and run up to visit Todd's sister Lisa and her family in Wilkes-Barre, PA (3 hours). Then we'll drive out to my folks' house on Sunday morning (5-6 hours) and stay there through Christmas, spending some quality time with my brother and sister and their families, too. And my extended family.

The day after Christmas, we'll hop on down to Columbus (3 hours) and spend a couple days with Todd's sister Julie's family. Then we'll drive back up to my parents' house (3 hours back) and try to squeeze in all the relatives we didn't get to see on our first short stay, including Todd's parents, who we'll be passing on the freeway as we leave Lisa's house in PA and they head to it for Christmas earlier that week.

Sick of the car yet? Well, don't be, 'cause there's a 9-hour drive back to good old Virginia on New Year's Day! Hee hee!

I figure there's a 50/50 chance Todd and I can come out of this with our marriage intact.
(KIDDING!) As long as the weather cooperates, it should all be okay.

I worked ahead on my Christmas journal, so here are the next three days' worth of entries. I was going to try to take it all with me on my travels, but if we cram one more thing in the car it might just collapse, so I'll catch up with the rest of it when we get back home.

Wish us good traveling weather and good fellow travelers as we all barrel down the highways together, okay? I'll check in from Maryland later this week.


  1. Oh, good luck on your travels! Stay safe! :) I hope to see more of you online when you are done with your fortnight! Your pages are just wonderfully eclectic & clever!

  2. I love the style of your pages, a little whimsical, and very Christmassy. I can't wait to see the rest. love M

  3. I remember you doing this project last year!... and thinking, "I should try this..." (sigh) Just one more thing on my bucket list...


    Merry Christmas, Janelle! ~Kryssy

  4. Happy New Year!

  5. Your pages are beautiful & just the spark I need to get going on my album this year.

  6. Beautiful pages for your journal. What a lovely treat for the eyes!
