Saturday, December 15, 2007

Looking at our travel plans all written out makes me want to curl up in bed until Martin Luther King Day! It's going to be nuts! We're doing laundry and packing up the car this weekend.


  1. Holy travel plans, Batman! That's a bit much! Love the page, though! :D

  2. Did your make your JYC book like a large tag? I've noticed them before but thought one or two was like that. That looks neat, but wondering how your connecting it all together.

  3. WOW, I am tired just reading. love your little elements here

  4. Hi, Barb! The book is a 7Gypsies album that is spiral bound, but I pulled it all off the spiral and papered over the holes. Then when it's all done I'll punch three holes down the sides and bind it with binder rings. Hopefully it won't be too fat at that point. :-)

  5. Just loving your house shaped journal. This page is really beautiful. I really like how you journaled; it reads like a timeline. Coooool!

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Janelle - where did you get that sweet little house charm? BTW - I love your little house book! I made mine in a house shape minds!!

    Hope to get together soon!!
