Thursday, July 19, 2007

Update and pics.

I don't know why I feel so un-chatty! I'm not in a bad mood or's just that there's so little happening in these hot humid summer dog-days.

Todd and I are working on our diet and exercise levels, but that's not terribly exciting. I'd like to lose a big old mess of weight, but it's early days, so nothing to report on that front--yet!

My neck/arm/shoulder problems finally drove me to the doctor...I asked about a breast reduction, but he wants me to try some anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers first, and apply heat several times a day. If that doesn't help, then probably physical therapy. This is all to show the insurance comanpy that I do indeed have a problem and have tried other treatments, should I need to go the breast reduction route. I wasn't 100% positive I wanted to try surgery, but on the other hand, it makes me so irritated to have to jump through hoops to prove to my doctor and my insurance company that I really do have a problem.

I just got a mini book and a card picked up by Paper Crafts, so I guess I've got my toe back in the designing/submitting waters. Just my toe, though!

How about some Ohio vacation pictures?

Here's my brother and my dad with my brother's little Marissa.

My nieces Kylie and Natalie:

Marissa is besotted with her cousin she insisted he push her on the swings.

My mom with Miss Marissa:

Marissa looks a lot like her mom, but that tiny smile on her face in the picture above is the exact replica of her dad (my baby brother) when he was that age.

Now for the other side of the fam...these are pics from Todd's folks' house at the lake. Todd's parents live about 25 minutes from my parents, so we spend a lot of time on the twisty country roads between homes when we're in Ohio.

We were blown away by how grown-up Todd's sister Julie's kids are--we hadn't seen them in a year, so the change was dramatic.

Here they are, Gianna and Angelo:

Gianna with the first of many, many bluegill she caught that week, with her trusty Barbie fishing pole:

Oh, how this kid cracks me up! For the past few years, there has been a group of people at the lake with a pontoon boat all decked out like a pirate ship. For the Fourth of July boat parade, they all dress up like pirates and toss candy and treats and beads to everyone on the shore. This year they gave Angelo a faux pirate sword. He was already dressed like a pirate with his bandanna, but the sword definitely completed the look. He LOVES pirates!

In keeping with the pirate theme at the lake, Todd's dad has been leaving treasure on one of the tiny islands in the middle of the lake. We all hop on the pontoon boat and take a ride to "Treasure Island" and the kids find their "booty." This year I got a nice picture of John with the kids on the island.

As you can see, I have plenty of pictures to scrap now. But then there's always the shots I missed that bug me forever after. I mentioned below that I never got a pic of myself with any of the fish I caught...I also neglected to get any pics of the girly outing I took my niece Kylie on, where we got mani/pedis and had lunch. And I had some quality time with my aunts that was great fun--but again, no pics. It is so hard to find the balance between enjoying the event and getting the pictures! For the past few years I've definitely strayed more toward just enjoying myself without having to worry about the camera...but then I always have these little regrets. Ah me!


  1. I love all the pictures...and I'm equally un-chatty these blazing hot days. No worries!

    I read a blog entry by Amy Sorensen (BPS) the other day that relates to your no-picture woes. It's called "Written Picture."

    Tell me what you think!

  2. That's awesome, Les! I'll have to try that.
