Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wedding pages.

I'm trying to get the last bits of previous years' albums caught up. These are pictures from my cousin Janine's wedding almost two years ago. I had a ton of pictures we took outside the church, and I wanted to use most of them, so there's a lot crammed onto this two-page spread:

And here's my niece Kylie in her flower girl glory. She was obsessed with the little bottle of bubbles we all got to blow at the bride and groom when they came out of the church:

To give her brother Tanner equal time, here's the layout I did of him all spiffed up for the wedding...I did this one last year sometime:


  1. Nice pages! And now I don't feel quite so bad that I've only done 3 pages in a year for my brother & SILs album!

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    These are darling--and you did such a great job fitting lots of photos onto the two-page spread! I'm loving your simple-but-not plain style.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration. I definitely need to do my OWN wedding pages. LOL. So, I will definitely come back to this page for some insipiration when I finally do them. Bad Bride! LOL

