Saturday, June 09, 2007


Okay, so I lied, I've got one more post in me...this is the challenge at Two Peas today:

Are you a leather sandal/flip flop kinda gal?
Are you the type of person that collects flip flops?

Blog about your summer shoe collection!

I was always a leather sandal person, for years and years. I have a wonderfully comfortable pair that I got at Bass Pro the first summer we lived here, but they fell by the wayside once I discovered the comfortableness of flip-flops.

Flip-flops were called "thongs" back in my childhood/teen days, and they were extremely uncomfortable: 1/2 " thick foam soles with rigid plastic straps that rubbed the tops of your feet raw and wore a blister between your big and second toes.

But somewhere along the way someone realized that flip-flops could, and should be comfortable and cute, and once they became that way, I hopped right on the bandwagon. In the summer of 2005, I bought umpteen pairs at various stores, and ended up doing a scrapbook page about them.

Now I have a whole huge Sterilite box full of 'em, but my stand-bys are my J Crew flip-flops: they have wide grosgrain ribbon straps, and super-thick foam soles. I bought two more pair this summer, and if they go on sale later, I'll probably buy more, I love them so. I wore them the whole summer when I worked at the scrapbook store and was on my feet a ton, and they were so comfortable.

So the leather sandals languish in a corner of the closet. Maybe someday I'll pull them out again.


  1. Super cute layout! What a nice assortment of flip-flops you have. :-)

  2. LOVE the flip flop layout! Too cute!!

    Check my blog... your name is on it.

  3. Love the flip flops. I can only wear Reef flip flops now. I ruined my feet running around in just plain foam ones! I try to wear my Reefs 365 days a year! That's what is so great about living at the beach!
    xo, suzy

  4. Anonymous4:15 PM

    That's a nice "collection" you have there. I never wear flip flops - my arches need more support. So it's sandals and sneakers for me.

