Friday, May 25, 2007

One day left!

Yes, one day left to sign up for the Cottage Charm Giveaway. I have two prizes to give away, in honor of my blog's two-year anniversary, so follow the link and check out the pictures, then leave a comment to be added to the drawing. Thanks to all fifty-odd of you who have signed up so far--it's been great "meeting" all of you and checking out your blogs!

If you're in the mood to sign up for some more treats, and in the mood to find some wonderful new blogs to peruse, please check the official Cottage Charm Giveaway participant list at One Woman's Cottage Life. Kim's blog is a treat in and of itself, so be sure to devote some time to reading about her home projects and great ideas.

I'll be drawing one name for each prize at 6 p.m. EST Saturday, so you still have...oh, 27 hours or so to sign up if you haven't yet. Good luck!

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