Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My Target desk and hutch came today, huzzah! Now everybody needs to post a comment and tell my DH to get my old countertop torn down so I can put these together and start whipping this study back into shape!

I love thrifty finds, and screw-it-together furniture seems so...soulless...but honestly, I could look for months for something like this at sales and thrift stores before I found what I was looking for. So, soulless and quick it is.

I am, however, scouting the thrifts for an armchair of some sort for my study. Something comfy, maybe overstuffed, or maybe a little more structured. Not formal, more cottagey.

I found a little ottoman that should be easy to slipcover yesterday, plus a funny little table with a magazine rack built in that I'm going to paint white and put my teal lamp on. So that's done. I just need the countertop down, the computer table moved, and a chair to sit in, and I'll be almost there!

Then I want to slipcover my office chair, put up curtains of some sort...and then one room in this house, at least, will be done.


  1. Those are gorgeous! And, hey hubby, get the old countertop torn down.

    I'd love to find furniture!

  2. CUte, Janelle! I love them both... your plans for the office sound awesome, can't wait to see the end result. GET CRACKIN' Todd! ;o)

  3. I found the perfect chair for you! It was at a yard sale this morning. She said it was $900 new and was selling it for $100. Too bad I only had $20 and nowhere to put it. It was a nicely stuffed chair, clean lines, with wooden rockers. So comfy!

    Your desk and hutch are great. I can't wait to see some After photos!

    Todd...get out the sawsall, buddy!
