Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More journal.

Here are my Christmas journal pages for December 3, 4, and 5.

This page features an old Christmas card. You open up the card to read the journaling, like so:

I'll be adding a handmade card to the pocket once I pick one out.

This page for December 4 is a little personal...I don't know if it is readable or not, but the topic was "daydream about the perfect Christmas" and I wrote about part of the reason why the holidays aren't perfect for me.

The topic for December 5 was Advent, which instantly made me think about the Advent wreath at church when I was a kid. I'm going to put a few of my favorite verses from Isaiah into the envelope...if I ever get my Daisy D tags I ordered last week!


  1. Wow, your journal is just beautiful. I love all the wonderful colors you chose. great job

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    what a beautiful holiday journal!!!

  3. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Love your pages!

  4. Such a lovely journal! Great way to use the card, what a great idea!

  5. Beautiful journal.

  6. Anonymous3:38 PM

    These are beautiful. I love the papes you are using - very old world christmassy feel to them
