Thursday, June 09, 2005

Nice stuff

Things are going fairly well in the creating second day off this week and I am finishing stuff (layout below), submitting stuff, and even coming up with some new stuff (cards, cards, cards). Tomorrow will be all about getting ready for company this weekend (grocery store, cleaning, toddler-proofing), so this is my scrapping day.

I had a nice little surprise yesterday when Shawna from Memory Makers called and requested a layout that I completely forgot existed, let alone that I had submitted it to them at some point in time. It will be in the November issue; it's about a chair that we picked up at an auction and had reupholstered. I persist in calling it my $35 chair, though the reupholstering was substantially more than that! Anyway, I'm really pleased about that call, it's renewed my hopes a little.

I'm just so happy about that new baby, I've been smiling all day. Our cousin Marissa will be so thrilled to know the baby shares her name! I can't wait to get some more pictures of the little cutie.


  1. Congrats on the publication!

  2. Oh, how cool about the call from Shawna!!! Enjoy the packing up of the page!


  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Hi Janelle!!!!

    Send some of that mojo my way! :)
