Saturday, May 12, 2007

Give it away, give it away, give it away, give it away, now...

My first giveaway ever, and very overdue! Kim at One Woman's Cottage Life has set May 26th as "Cottage Charm Giveaway Day" and each participating blog will be giving away a wonderful prize on that day.

This dovetails quite nicely with the second anniversary of my blog, and since I was thinking about doing a giveaway to celebrate, I decided to hop in on this and have fun with all the bloggers who are playing along!

In honor of anniversary #2, I'll be giving away two prizes. The first prize is a general fun cottagey selection, photographed on my lovely taupe carpeted floor for extra appeal:

Included in this prize are: six cards handstamped by me in shades of pink, green, and purple (envelopes included); a small notebook altered into a garden journal, again by yours truly; a packet of forget-me-not seeds (my very favorite flower to grow); Yardley Aloe and Cucumber soap (smells fresh and springtimey); about two feet of pink gingham wired ribbon; and two cute matching floral saucers from a friendly neighborhood garage sale.

Prize number two is for scrappers, paper crafters, or just lovers of ephemera.

Tucked into a small portfolio hand stamped by me are: six handmade cards in vintage colors (envelopes included); assorted pages from a vintage cookbook, an old spelling book, and an old French grammar book (these babies are OLD!); five vintage bingo cards; two pages of vintagey-looking labels; two faux antique advertising stickers; and a collage page of typewriter keys. Oh, and a paper clip with a tiny butterfly on top.

So what do you have to do to win a wonderful prize?

Simply comment on this post! Please provide your e-mail address if you don't have a blog, or if you don't have e-mail access through your blog--and specify whether you want your name entered in the drawing for one set or the other, or both. That way if you're not a scrapper, you don't have to worry about winning the paper prize, for instance. I'll be happy to enter you in the drawings for both prizes, though, if you like them both.

But wait! There's more!

For each comment you leave on this blog on any post I write between today (Saturday, May 12th) and Friday, May 25th, I will put another entry for you into the pile. So if you leave three comments on three future posts, you will have your name put into the drawing three times. On May 26th, I'll draw the names and notify the winners via e-mail.

I think that covers it, but if you have any questions, post them in the comments. I'm excited--I hope you are, too!

Be sure to check Kim's blog at the above links for the full list of bloggers participating--there are some wonderful blogs to discover, and some great prizes to win.


Debra from Bungalow said...

I'd love to be entered in both drawings. Great goodies you have there!

Amy M. said...

Wow! Please enter me in the contest for the vintage scrapper kit!!!



Jodie said...

hello , I would love to entered and would love it if you entered my give away as well. I am happy with any gift but those bingo cards are gorgeous - I think I have a Bingo obsession !!
I love your attractive carpet photo - it made me laugh

G said...

I'd love to enter your drawing for prize #1. What fun items!!

Marilyn in NM said...

Please enter me in your drawings. And be sure and sign up for my Cottage Charm Give Away if you haven't already!

Cheryl Connell said...

I would love to be entered in both drawings as well! They both look great!

Mackenzie said...

Oh, I would love to be entered in both!!

Jessica said...

How nice! What lovely prize ensembles you have! Please sign me up for both drawings! Thanks!
~ Jessica

Benita said...

Wow, that's very generous of you! I'd love to be entered into the drawing for the vintage things.

Thanks & Happy Mother's Day!

Carole Burant said...

Such a fabulous giveaway!! Please enter my name in both of your draws:-) This is sooo much fun!! xo

MSJNT said...

That is very nice...Thanks for having a contest.

Mrs. H said...

Your notecards look lovely. I'd like to be included in your drawing.


Unknown said...

OH I love your items! Please add me! Olivia

Colleen said...

What fun idea! Love it! Please sign me up!

Natasha Burns said...

Such lovely items~I'd love to enter both drawings please!
By the way, you look almost exactly like a friend of mine, you have a 'twin' in Australia!

Scott Franson Photography said...

What an awesome blog! I'll be back often, please enter me in both drawings.

ancient one said...

Hi.. you are so generous... enter me in # 1 please. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I'd like to be entered into the ephemera drawing, please! Thanks. Love the blog!


Little Penpen said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love it all!

Leslie said...

You're too sweet, Janelle. I don't need to be in the drawing, just wanted to let the winners know how lucky they are to get the handstamped cards from you!!

Laurie said...

I'd love to enter both drawings please!

Anonymous said...

I love both your giveaway items, just couldn't decide which I like better. Please include me in both draws.

Do check out my blog and sign up for my draw.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be included, so count me in!! :)

Trudi said...

Please enter me in your drawing and stop by mine. Trudi

Mrs.Garcia said...

I would also love to be entered into both drawings if I may.
God Bless,

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Please count me in, thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveawy, please add my name.

Judy said...

Wow, please enter me in lovely.

Rosemary said...

Thanks for entering me into your contest.
Visit my blog sometime.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Please enter me. I would love some of your great things!

Lallee said...

This is so fun! Please add me to the drawing.

Betty Jo said...

Please count me in your wonderful give-away! xoxo

sheila from life @ #17 said...

Hi :)

Please enter me into your drawing :)

and thanks for dropping by :)

I looked at your book blog (sorry...the name slips my mind right now) & now I want to read those PBRyan books! and I see the first one in the series fetchs a pretty tidy sum on e-bay & amazon...well, I'm hopin' that maybe I'll get lucky today at the library book sale & come across a copy...if not, I'll put that one on my thrift shop Want List :)

Nonie said...

add me please.

Anonymous said...

Cute stuff! Please sign me up!
God bless :)

Sandy said...

Please enter me for your wonderful drawings --and then pick me

La Tea Dah said...

Please enter me in both drawings --- nice things you've got in your give-away stash!

Thanks so much!

Patti said...

Please enter me in both of your drawings! And, please stop by and visit me soon! Hugs, Patti (

Jeanette J said...

I'd like to be entered for either prize..they both are terrific

Simply Me Art said...

Looks Great. Please Enter me

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Enter my name in the drawing. Peggy

cherio1 said...

How awesome those prizes are! I would love to win either one of them. Please enter me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in both!

Cara said...

Please sign me up for both. Thanks!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

MY oh MY....what a fun drawing.....awesome gifts!!!!!

Please please please include me in your drawings!

fingers crossed!

Dolly~From my CHERRY heart

Lana Manis said...

How lovely! Please add my name to the drawing...for both
Thank you!

Farmer Di said...

Please enter me in the scrappy draw ~

Diana aka Farmer Di

Anonymous said...

both giveaways are so nice! and of course the carpet is too:) please add me in, thanks

Lizzie said...

I am excited to join in- your offerings are lovely!

Cath said...

I would like to be entered in both drawings. Your things look wonderful.

Jennie said...

I would love to be entered as well. Thanks!

Jennie (

DianeL said...

please enter me into the draw, just love the homemade cards,
Thank you,
Diane L

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Please enter me in both they are awesome. My blog is Daisy Bouquet and my e-mail is

Toystory said...

I'd love either prize -- so enter me in both!!